Hi all,
My lab has 2 kind of mail servers: exchange mail and third party server (call TP server). All of them have same as domain name (mail.com), and network loop (103.20.76.x)
Let's me talk something the call flow used between of them:
TP server 1 (exchange mailbox_1) -- send mail -- TP server_2 (exchange mailbox_2). Via Outlook, access into exchange mailbox_2 check mail.
Notes: exchange server is intergrated into TP server_1 and _2 (just add host/DNS of exchange into TP-server, and in exchange add host TP_server in it)
In the past, from TPserver_1, I send message to TP server_2, message come into exchange_mailbox_2 quickly (about < 1.5 minutes) (by using Outlook check mail)
But now, Outlook receive mail slowly: about 5-6 minutes.
I'll try to stop/start Exchnage server or restart some services, but this issue hasn't gone away. I also delete and re-create Receive Connector in Hub Transport, but not.
The network between of exchange server and TP_ server, Outlook PC work well.
SO, could you help me troubleshoot this issue ?
exchange server (2k7, domain: mail.com) is pointed to Active_dir_PC (Win 2k8 R2): primary domain
exchange 2k10 (domain: mail.com): Active + exchange2k10 are installed into same PC -- Additional domain