We have migrated an environment from Exchange 2007 to 2013. After that move, we've seen a lot of 0x80040401-0x80040401-0x0003ee hitting 5-10 mailboxes at random times throughout the day, and with about 5-10
mails per day.
The internet gives a few hints to what this error is caused by. MAPI_TIMEOUT - It is again given a lot of suggestions on how to resolve it, but I have now found an entry on the exchange server giving me a "red"
line in cmtrace - that I can't dechiffer in a way that I understand what is wrong.
Through the troubleshooting process we've identified the following commonalities - they all use blackberry and they all use enterprise vault 10.0.4 addin. Disabling the addin does not seem to have an effect,
and other users using the blackberry (with an identical setup) has no errors.
I'll take one user as an example :
his username is xxyy and the mailbox is about 24.4 gigabytes. I've done the following on the mailbox without success after migrating it from 2007
1. moved it from one database to another database
2. gave him a seperate cas server for his outlook client
3. gave him a seperate mailbox server for his mailbox
4. moved his mailbox to another database with - donotpreservermailboxsignature
5. upgraded his outlook from 2010 sp2 to 2013
6. gave him a completly new computer.
None of this as resolved the issue.
After weeks looking at this as a local issue I've now found a line in my exchange IIS log that is red when I run it in cmtrace that looks to one specific message that is generating this system administrator undeliverable and it is :
2014-05-26 07:48:00 POST /ews/exchange.asmx ,MailTipsStart=2014-05-26T07:47:59.983Z;RecipCounter=0;OrgConfig=0;AdQuerySetup=0;AdBatch1=16;PermLookup=0;AdTimeCounter=0;GM.TimeTaken=0;GM.RequestCount=0;GetGM=0;QueryGen=0;QueryExe=0;MergeResults=0;DisposeRD=0;Threads.Worker.Available=2397;Threads.Worker.InUse=0;Threads.IO.Available=2400;Threads.IO.InUse=1;MailTipsTotal=16;Failures=0;EXP=<>;SendAs=SMTP:xxyy@contoso.com;Recipients=1;RecipientsList=SMTP:someoneelse@contoso.com~ADException:NG;MRPC.T=0;MRPC.R=0;AD.T=2;AD.R=1;RCM=15;Request.Phase.PreGetQueries=15;Request.Phase.PostGetQueries=0;Request.Phase.RequestDispatcher.PreQuery=0;Request.Phase.RequestDispatcher.BeginInvoke=0;Request.Phase.RequestDispatcher.Complete=0;Request.Phase.PostQuery=0;Request.CPU.Total=15;
444 contoso\xxyy Microsoft+Office/15.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+Microsoft+Outlook+15.0.4615;+Pro) - 200 0 0 62