I'm having error 0x8004010f ( see below part of the outlook verbose log ) but everything is working fine with my mailbox.
are those logs replicated on my exchange server into the rpc client access log folder ?
anyone knows if I can safely ignore the error ?
2013.04.30 16:52:27 user: ReportStatus: RSF_COMPLETED, hr = 0x00000000
2013.04.30 16:52:27 user: Synch operation completed
2013.04.30 16:52:27 Sending done, Error code = 0x00000000
2013.04.30 16:52:27 Sending done, Error code = 0x8004010f
2013.04.30 16:52:27 MAPI Status: (IN -- ---/OUT -- ---)
2013.04.30 16:52:27 Finishing the Spooling Cycle, Error code = 0x00000000