We have a support ticket system (RT) that we email to support@domain.com to create tickets. RT sends email on behalf of the responder (or ticket initiator) to helpdesk staff as notification of a ticket received or a response to a ticket was made, etc., so the "From" line in an email header would look like this as it arrives into Exchange:
From: Bob Johnson via RT <support@domain.com>
The Active Directory Contact for the above support email address has a Display Name of "IT Support Request".
When we were running Exchange 2003 with clients Outlook 2003, Outlook 2010, iPhones, Androids and the like, they would all display in the From column "Bob Johnson via RT". If the initiator was an external user, say at Gmail, Gmail would also display "Bob Johnson via RT" in its equivalent From display. This is the desired result! Why? See next paragraph for what has changed.
Now we are running on Exchange 2010. There have been no changes to RT or the AD Contact. Email headers coming from RT show the same identical "From" line in the email header, BUT now Outlook 2010, iPhone and Android all display "IT Support Request" in the From column when received from the RT ticket system. I understand Exchange is pulling this directly from the AD Contact, but it used to rely on the From line in the email header. An external user, say at Gmail, still has the desired display "Bob Johnson via RT" in its equivalent From display.
We want "Bob Johnson via RT" in the From display in Outlook 2010, iPhone, Android. Why did Microsoft change this? But the why is not as important as how can we get this behavior back?
As a side note, RT has the ability to comment internally to its web system. When it sends an email notice of a comment made to a ticket, it comes from support-comment@domain.com which we do not have an AD Contact for. The "From" line in the header reads: From: Bob Johnson via RT <support-comment@domain.com> and displays in Outlook 2010/iPhone/Android as "Bob Johnson via RT".
thank you, David