we have a problem when searching the Global Address List regarding German umlauts (äöüß). Currently when someone searches for the name "Mueller", a person named "Müller" is not matched. I guess this is due to the active collation or sorting order, which is probably dictionary order. I want to use "German Phonebook order" DIN 5007 variant 2, as described here for example in the mysql documentation:
The latin1_german1_ci and latin1_german2_ci collations are based on the DIN-1 and DIN-2 standards, where DIN stands for Deutsches Institut für Normung (the German equivalent of ANSI). DIN-1 is called the “dictionary collation” and DIN-2 is called the “phone book collation.” For an example of the effect this has in comparisons or when doing searches, see Section, “Examples of the Effect of Collation”. latin1_german1_ci (dictionary) rules: Ä = A Ö = O Ü = U ß = s latin1_german2_ci (phone-book) rules: Ä = AE Ö = OE Ü = UE ß = ss
How can this be achieved for Exchange/Outlook?