I have a problem with double-booking of rooms in my company. I've read pretty much everything I could find on this subject and I'm still not satisfied. I setup a room in Exchange with these settings:
- Resource Booking Attendant: disabled
- Allow conflicting meetings: disabled
- Delegate of the mailbox: UserDelegate
- Users who are allowed to submit in-policy requests that will be automatically approved: Selected recipients (none)
- Users who are subject to approval by delegate (within in-policy): all users
- Users who are allowed to submit out-of-policy requests: selected recipients (none).
I believe this is supposed to work like this: everyone can request a meeting and every meeting request has to be accepted by a delegate (UserDelegate in this case). There are no conflicts allowed.
However, it doesn't work that way. Let me give you an example of how it does work.
User1 requests a meeting in a MeetingRoom1. UserDelegate accepts the meeting, and everyone can see in MeetingRoom's calendar that the room is booked (permission set to default=reviewer). Then User2 requests a conflicting meeting at the same time and the same room. It is not automatically rejected and can still ask for approval. UserDelegate still receives a request and CAN agree to it - even if there is conflict. Sure, there is a notification of a conflict, but room can be double booked anyway.
Let's say UserDelegate sees the notification of a conflict and rejects the meeting. User2 get an email that says his meeting was rejected, but in his calendar the meeting is still on. It doesn't disappear. It leads to conflicts, when 2 users show up at the MeetingRoom1 and they both claim they booked the room - which is true, even though one of them was rejected. He didn't realize, since the meeting was still active in his calendar...
If I enable Resource Booking Attendant the User2 request would be denied automatically and the notification would be sent, but the meeting remains in the calendar. Besides, I don't want it to be enable, since it automatically agrees to all meetings if there is time and space for it. I have a UserDelegate who's supposed to decide who gets the room.
I tried to EnableDirectBooking=1 in registry in Outlook, but it doesn't work. Users still can requests the meeting.
So, in short: I don't want users to be able to book an already booked room. Can you help me with that? I can provide screenshots and EMS if you need me to.