ArchivingAutomatically archive old messages to a personal email archive to reduce inbox clutter, as well as reduce the liabilities associated with email by applying expiration policies.
Unlimited StorageTake advantage of unlimited storage (25 GB of storage in the user's primary mailbox, plus unlimited storage in the user's personal archive).
Questions for helping me decide:
Microsoft exchange Online
In the 4$/month/user:
- Archive means only move emails from inbox to archive personal folder?
- Archive personal folder is not back up?
- Is the inbox stored in this 4$ plan? Where? In the cloud?
- How many emails accounts can manage ONE user?
- I am owner of a TWO-man company. I manage 3 different emails addresses (info@domain, sales@domain, lastname@domain) and my employee manage one email address “employee@domain”, but also want him to access the “info@domain” address. How many USERS I have to pay? I am not sure if USER = email addresses or USER = physical person.
- I have 6 devices. I manage one laptop, one desktop, one Ipad and my blackberry. My employee manages one laptop and blackberry phone. Can I login as USER in my laptop and desktop at same time? Or should I log off from one device to get access to the other device?
- Can my employee access to the common email address “info@domain” even that address was registered under my USER account? I need he and myself to get access to that email address.
- How can I migrate my current email from my Outlook desktop to the solution your are selling. DO I need help from my current hosting? What info I need to ask them in advance?
- Who is helping during installation? Do I receive support?
In the 8$/month/user:
- Is archive personal back up?
Microsoft Office 365
- We already have Microsoft Outlook installed in computer and office applications. Do I need Office 365? Why?
- I tried to sign on Office 365 and I saw asking for a new domain…..Why? I want to keep my own domain for my emails.