We have an Exchange 2013 server in hybrid mode with a few O365 e-mail accounts that we are trying out. We wanted to play around with the iOS OWA app so I enabled push as stated via the following URL: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn511017(v=exchg.150).aspx
I am curious to know why (atleast for the iOS OWA App) appointments are pushed to the locked screen / notification area but e-mails are ONLY pushed to the icon (as per the the image below)?
It doesn't seem too useful to me if one of the basic functions to Exchange (push e-mail) is a hassle to view. I don't see any advantages (atleast for our organization) to switch from the built in ActiveSync to this app... in fact I see this as a huge disadvantage. How does this make sense when mail is the core of the software?!?