I am struggling with the .ost / ,pst thing when trying to migrate from Outlook 2010 to 2013.
I installed Outlook 2013 on a standalone computer (no network/servers etc) and when I migrated calendar items from my Outlook 2010 on another computer, they went into the "Calendar" folder so I could see all future and historical meetings. In doing that a second "Calendar (this computer only)" folder was created. This folder is where new meeting requests via email are being routed (they do not show in the "Calendar" view. I would be fine with this (use Calendar for old mtg's (archive) and use the Calendar (this computer only) for all current and future meetings except that it is saying I don't have permissions to create appt's in this folder (although I do in the "Calendar" folder.
So now the only way to create a appt. is to email myself from another computer so it shows up in my proper calendar. I just installed a few days ago and have worked through the email folder (this computer only) issue but this one has me. I want to reconcile before I connect other devices (phone) as I suspect the path will not connect to the correct calendar either.
Please advise with steps to remedy or point to online resources.