On a Windows 2003 R2 LAN and a Windows XP workstation with Outlook 2007:
The user is receiving messages from a remote post office via POP email
is also connected to a 2003 exchange server on the LAN
About every minute the following message is posted in the Outlook sync issues folder which fills up to the annoyance of the user:
8:04:43 Synchronizer Version 12.0.6665
8:04:43 Synchronizing Mailbox '[user name]'
8:04:43 Synchronizing Hierarchy
8:04:43 1 folder(s) updated in online store
8:04:43 Synchronizing server changes in folder 'Inbox'
8:04:43 Downloading from server '[server name]'
8:04:43 Done
8:04:44 Microsoft Exchange offline address book
8:04:44 0X8004010F
The only seemingly relevant events posted in the workstation event log occur infrequently and only state that one or more of the files outlook.pst, archive.pst or outlook.ost has detected a catalog checkpoint. There are no errors in the server's application event log.
Other workstations on the LAN don't appear to be effected and the workstion with messages seems other wise normal. This is a fairly recent situation on a workstion which has been in service for a number of years. The user had administrative rights on the workststion but no access to the server.
Thanks for any help or guidance as to where to look.
PCs, LANS, Training, Installation, Support
in Midcoast Maine