When I change only the location of a meeting, the meeting is sent with 'Response required'. I thought it was supposed to be sent "Information Only/No response required" whenever the changes did not involve the TIME of the meeting. It is annoying for people to have to accept a meeting so many times, whenever I change the location or add information in the body.
I'm delegate for a couple of managers and they invite each other to meetings, I am sometimes able to see a meeting update from both end. When manager A sends a meeting update to manager B (really it's me doing it all), I see that manager B receives the update with "No response required"; but then I received replies from other attendees to the meeting (I cannot see what type of update these people got, but obviously they felt the need to reply -accept/decline). These other people are also in our organization, so they should have the same email. However, some have different versions of Outlook -I have 2010, some may have 2007.
Thank you,