In one Ekchange organization with a single address book, there are Russian-speaking people and English-speaking users.
American counterparts, in comparison with Russian not so much. Hence there exists a naming standard in which:
Displayname - Cyrillic (Russian), but "FirstName" and "Lastname" - Latin (English) and the attribute "Name" - Latin.
In the global address book - names sorted by Displayname (Russian). US users have a problem.
How for US users (English-speaking), change the appearance of the book by default, or create an address book in which the main attribute of the sort will be the Name field or LastName?
American counterparts, in comparison with Russian not so much. Hence there exists a naming standard in which:
Displayname - Cyrillic (Russian), but "FirstName" and "Lastname" - Latin (English) and the attribute "Name" - Latin.
In the global address book - names sorted by Displayname (Russian). US users have a problem.
How for US users (English-speaking), change the appearance of the book by default, or create an address book in which the main attribute of the sort will be the Name field or LastName?