Have some thoughts on Outlook Anywhere (and perhaps Autodiscover)
from my understanding the externalclientauthentication/internalclientauthentication values are provied to the client using autodiscover?
what determines the choise of auth? lets say a request comes in to contoso.local and that one is configured on the internalhostname property it would use the auth method of the internalclientauthenticationmethod value?
and if a request comes into contoso.com and that one is stamped on the externalhostname it would use the value on the externalclientauthentication method?
and if both internalhostname and externalhostname is set to the same value?
So if looking at our current Outlook Anywher settings on a CAS server
# Get-OutlookAnywhere CAS01\rpc* | fl
ExternalHostname: company.com
InternalHostname: company.com
ExternalClientAuthenticationMethod: Ntlm
InternalClientAuthenticationMethod: Ntlm
IISAuthenticationMethods: Ntlm
eventhough I can set IISAuthenticationj using PS to both NTLM and basic that is just for IIS right.
How should it be configured so that external users (having outlook installed at a home computer not AD joined) to be able to access the mailbox? Would we need IISAuthentication set to both basic and NTLM and let TMG/UAG handle the authentication on DMZ?
Similar posts sayng that both cannot be enabled? But is that for both internal/external users?