Need a poweshell
script for this simple requirement. I have one DL called “Example”. Here I wanted to set the Custom attribute 13 for this group members mailbox as Yes and rest of the mailboxes custom
attribute 13 as No.I tried something here. Please let me know any corrections?
$Group = “DL name”
if (mailbox -filter -eq{ $group})
Set-Mailbox -CustomAttribute13 ‘No’
Set-Mailbox -CustomAttribute13 ‘Yes’
will it work. I donot have test environment to test this. If some one help will be appreciated more.
$Group = “DL name”
if (mailbox -filter -eq{ $group})
Set-Mailbox -CustomAttribute13 ‘No’
Set-Mailbox -CustomAttribute13 ‘Yes’
will it work. I donot have test environment to test this. If some one help will be appreciated more.