I'm trying to solve an issue in an Exchange 2013 setup that I did not installed. The client installed Exchange DAG on domain controllers, which is not supported by Microsoft. With CU2 there were no issues. However, after CU3, when you connect to a cas server/mailbox
server other than the one where the mailbox is active, the user get an error in OWA: userhasnomailboxexception.
I found some documents with this error, caused by a missing HomeDB attribute in AD or an issue with the arbitration mailboxes. We checked this and non of these things are true, they are all correct. It seems that the owa proxy is not working, if this is the
issue? All certificates are ok, all URLs are ok, autodiscover is working perfect. All authentication settings are still on their default values. The only other thing with a fat outlook client is that outlook is asking for credentials if you connect to the
cas/mbx on which your mailbox is not active, even on a domain joined computer.
I'm running out of ideas to look at. Anyone another idea to solve this issue?
I have the same setup as the client installed on a test environment in our company, but I'm not able to reproduce the issue.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Peter Van Keymeulen, IT Infrastructure Solution Architect,