Getting the below erorr when trying to use Outlook 2010 with new exchange server 2013.
There is a problem with the proxy server's security certificate. The security certificate is not from a trusted cerifying authority.
Outlook 2010 with Exchange 2013 outlook is unable to connect to the proxy server error code.
I have a exchange server 2007 and migrating to 2013. I have moved one mailbox and tested within OWA mail flow to and from old exchange server works fine and externally. But Outlook fails to connect.
I dont yet have a certificate installed and would like to test without i know there will be warnings if this is possible like it was in previous versions?
I get a few errors come up which i press yes to accept and also installed the certficates but still fails to connect.
i would like some advise on how to get this working if possible without a certficate and also help with the certficate for what kind i will require etc as i know wildcard ones are no longer supported and cause more issues. Also there is other email domains used within the exchange setup and know that will require autodiscover etc but would just like a list of what is required for a certificate within exchange 2013 and Outlook 2010 so i dont miss anything. Also any advise on best place to order a certificate from would be appericated.
Thanks in advance.