There some discussion about this issue, but it is still unclear for me how to resolve...
I am an Exchange Online subscriber, having four email accounts with four different domain names. Domains are hosted at my local domain service provider.
Now I am absolutely not familiar with the technical details, I read a lot of forums, but still not sure if it is possible to get rid of this or not.
I added my domains to Exchange Online, it is already confirmed that I am the owner of these domains. Now I am waiting my local service provider to set up additional DNS records (I was not able to setup a CNAME record), although iI have no idea what DNS records are.
I tend to understand that this "on behalf thing" is certain security measure, because emailing goes through the Microsoft server, but I am a regular user conducting business, subscribed to the service, and would like to use Outlook a regular corporate user.
Could someone explain me based on the circumstances described above, how can I make it possible to send emails using Outlook 2013 with only my email address in the header without this "on behalf of thing"? What requirements I have to fulfill, what do I have to setup in Exchange Online (or Office 365)?