I've been bouncing my head over the following issue the last couple of days
I currently have the following set up:
I have a windows server 2012 with microsoft exchange 2013 CAS Role, RD Gateway, RD Web roles.
When I assign my domain certificate to the RD Gateway role it adds a new binding to the "Exchange Back End" website port *:443. This conflicts with the "Defauly Web Site" and stops the "Exchange Back End" website.
If I keep the 443 binding on the "Exchange Back End website, OWA/Active sync dont work, but the RD Gateway is reachable externally.
When I remove the 443 binding from the "Exchange Back End" website, OWA/Active sync works again but the gateway isnt reachable externally.
Does anybody know a solution to this problem, so that both my Exchange servers is reachable and my RD Gateway functions properly?