Hi I am struggling to work out why I cannot configure any email client to talk to my exchange server.
I have installed SBS 2011 and tested it by logging on to the web interface and successfully sent and received mail from an external address (Hotmail). I have also configured bidirectional NAT for the following ports, 80, 443, 25, 110, 995, 993, 145, 587 I know the ports are open as I can telnet to the exchange server using them.
I have tried to configure, thunderbird, Kmail, and Opera to use both IMAP and POP, but I keep getting the same message from them all, Log in failed/password incorrect. But I am able to log in to the web interface with the username and password.
Am I missing something obvious when configuring exchange to work with external mail clients? I have followed the guides below but still can't get it to work.