Hello all,
I'm having an issue with an address list (all groups).
In the Exchange Management Console when editing the properties of the address list "Company - All Groups" (Filter Container <subdomain>.<domain>.local/Organization and recipients filter (ObjectClass -eq 'Group') ) and showing the preview i see all distribution groups listed.
But when looking in Outlook addressbooks, the list is empty.
Also when checking in the shell via Get-Recipient -Filter {AddressListMembership -eq 'CN=Company - All Groups,CN=All Address Lists,CN=Address Listiner,CN=<domain>,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=<domain>,DC=local'} the list is empty (whereas the All Users list shows all users).
What is wrong? Where can I continue troubleshoot this?
Stephan van der Plas
You know you're an engineer when you have no life and can prove it mathematically